Them's Fightin' Herds Wiki


Alternate colors for Paprika which can be selected. To go through palettes, use arrow keys, or the controller stick. To select the palette, use the ENTER key for keyboard users, and the START key for controllers. Paprika has 30 palettes.


Name Designer Image Description
Paprika Mane6 Original
Paprika default
Default palette.
Seasoning Mane6 Original
Paprika seasoning
Original palette.
Emperor Mane6
Paprika emperor
Based on Kuzco from The Emperor's New Groove (the blanket on her back is based on Pacha's outfit).
Pirate Mane6
Paprika pirate

Reference unknown.

Plush Mane6 Original
Paprika plush

Original palette.

Chocolate Mane6 Original
Paprika chocolate

Original palette.

Arupaka Mane6
Paprika arupaka

Reference unknown.

Crossing Mane6
Paprika crossing
Based on Reese from the Animal Crossing series.
Merchant Mane6
Paprika merchant
Based on Cyrus from the Animal Crossing series.
Mikey Paint Mane6 Original
Paprika TennisShoes
Based on a tennis shoe joke; awarded exclusively to backers who pledged $12 or more.
Cinnamon Mane6
Paprika cinnamon
Possibly a reference to a background alpaca design named "Cinnamon". See Alpake Highlands.
Herd Leader Mane6 Original
Paprika HerdLeader

Based on Adobo.

Garlic Salt Mane6 Original
Paprika GarlicSalt
Original palette.
Hot Sauce Mane6 Original
Paprika Hotsauce
Original palette.
Meanie Mane6 Original
Paprika Meanie
Based on Chief Blue Meanie, main antagonist of Yellow Submarine animated film.
Papourri Mane6
Paprika Papourri
A play on the word Potpourri.
Bergamot Mane6
Paprika Bergamot

Based on the bergamot fruit of south Italy.

Royal Blue Mane6
Paprika Royalblue

Reference unknown.

Who? Mark Poczatek
Paprika who

Backer palette. Based on the Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who.

Spicy Lazy_Amp
Paprika spicy

Original backer palette.

Seasoned Andrew Kim
Paprika seasoned

Original backer palette.

Beachy Keen Karen Barboza
Paprika beachy keen

Original backer palette.

Peppery Andre Morgan
Paprika peppery

Original backer palette.

Zesty Angel Digiacobbe
Paprika zesty

Original backer palette.

Smash! Tiarawhy
Paprika smash
Backer palette. Based on The Hulk from Marvel Comics.
Ten-Ton Magical Paca Mane6
Paprika Ten-Ton Magical Paca
Based on Appa from Avatar: The Last Airbender series.
Phantom Paprika
Palette used by NPC Paprika spawned in the Salt Mines. Intended to be unlocked by earning the "Apex Predator" bonus while playing the Salt Mines as Paprika in an official server. Now unlocked for everyone.
Loving Dead Girl FRGHTN:
Zombie Paprika
Palette released on 2021 Halloween event. Intended to be unlocked by fighting for a salt chest in a pixel lobby during the Frightenin' Herds event; now available for everyone.
Paprika MofuMofu
Fifth Slash
Paprika 5th Slash